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Fan keeps going after Microwave stops

How can i stop my built-in microwave fan, when i close the door, its ok heating up items

I don't know the model no. as it came with the Ikea Kitchen

Thanks for your help, as i'm glad i found your site!

More info

As i found the manual for it: it's a

BUILT-IN Microwave Oven MUMW23SS With Building In Trim TUK23SS, if that helps.


Beantwortet! Antwort anzeigen Ich habe das gleiche Problem

Ist dies eine gute Frage?

Bewertung 5
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It is Aug 2019 and this answer helped me. Answers are timeless. Keep on answering. It might be too late for the first person who asked but for the rest of us - golden.


Jill, thank you. I appreciate your comment.


Had the same problem with my new free standing Samsung. Tried everything to switch off the fan, which was preventing me from using the microwave. Tried hitting hit under the control panel- nothing, then tried hitting on the top of the microwave . Bingo! Fan stopped and microwave now works again! Thank you for the tip!


My vent fan has always come on during exceptional cooking times but now it is coming on even when I just boil water,


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10 Antworten

Gewählte Lösung

The exhaust fan thermostat is usually the failed component. When it senses heat it turns on the exhaust fan. If you are cooking on the cooktop, it can sense the heat and the fan won't turn off until the thermostat cools.

On several models of microwaves the thermostat is super sensitive, causing the exhaust to run longer than needed. Replacing the thermostat didn't help much. Adding a washer under the thermostat allowed air to move around it, keeping it cooler, thus, the fan didn't run as long.

It is also common for this thermostat to fail causing the fan to constantly run.

The thermostat is a round disk with 2 terminals. It is a simple bimetal that warps to make or break contact. It is an inexpensive part $20-$50.

It is NOT an easy part to get to. The microwave has to be completely uninstalled and placed on a sturdy table. The cabinet needs to be removed. Then discharge the capacitor. If you don't know how to properly discharge a capacitor, I would suggest having it repaired by a certified/qualified technician.



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I hadn't paid much attention to the dates.

I thought I'd help out on the unanswered questions .

LoL I'll pay attention the dates from now on. Thanks


Why would you tell someone not to answer a question just because it wasn't asked recently? This is the only answer and is on the first page of Google results. The bane of my life is finding relevant questions online with no answers.


Bobby, thank you for helping me out! I feel the same as you do. I’ll continue answering questions no matter how old they are. I like to compare all answers when I’m searching for help. Dates don’t matter.


Thank you for answering this expired question. I am looking for an answer to this question now. June, 2018. It was a helpful answer. Thank you.


Thanks Pat. I’m glad I helped.


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I know that this may sound like I’m joking, but I am not doing so. We just now experienced this issue with our microwave. After trying several solutions, I firmly (but gently) hit the edge of the door of the microwave with the heel of my hand below the control panel, and that worked to turn it off. As I mentioned above, this is something that just now happened, so I am NOT going to try to recreate the scenario.

The microwave is a GE - Model number is: JNM3151RF1SS

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Wri6345789, something is loose or not making a good contact or a contact is sticking. You might get lucky and never have that problem again.


This worked for me too (hitting it with the heel of my hand toward bottom of control panel) thank you!


This is ridiculous but it worked for me too (hitting it with the heel of my hand toward bottom of control panel). Thank you!!!


I think you’re on to something I just smacked my microwave and the fan stopped running!


Unbelievable. I didn't think this would work for me. But I wanted that fan to stop so bad I said it can't hurt to try. And what do you know. Don't know what I'd do sometimes without google. Thank you for taking the time to inform us. You're awesome.


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The microwave fan will sometimes come on when your not using the microwave. It does this when your cooking something on the cooktop below the microwave. Boiling potatoes or pasta or something that is creating steam is usually the culprit.

The thermostat senses the heat and turns the fan on.

You should have the microwave checked out by a qualified technician. A survey test should be performed by technician every time it is serviced.

Remember, the capacitor inside a microwave can hold 4,000-6,000 volts even after its been unplug for days and even weeks.

This means that a microwave doesn’t need to be plugged in to KILL you.

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I found if I place a small fan so it blows across the stove top it prevents it from happening or shortens the duration if it does.

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Plug the microwave and the exhaust fan automatically turns on after changing the thermal fuse due to a heating issue. Any suggestions?


Same issue with me, if anyone knows how to fix this. I'll try the above comments too by Hitt the bottom of the control uni.


I have the same problem, but this didn't help mine. But it got me looking. I have a new good thermostat, and when I disconnect it, everything works again.

I originally got a problem with the key pad #5 not working, and you could not set the cook time. I believe that the exhaust fan quit at the same time. I didn't know it because the thermostat must have gone bad then. By disconnecting the t/s, all works as before. Must be the control panel/

This seems to be a great forum. Thanks


Just tried this as fan was running for 30minutes following use, this worked perfectly?????


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Had the same problem! This might help? Door microswitch had a high resistance on the contacts! Working perfect after a clean!

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ordered and replaced the door switches. :-( spouse got tired of me "trying" to fix it and got a new one.

I still have it my my shop. Im determined to fix this monster !!!! thank you for your suggestion.

and I double checked to make sure the new switches were all valid and I used the right ones at the

right locations. There are three micro switches. 2 normally open and 1 normally closed.


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Happened to my KitchenAid. I tried the 'Fonz' method and it did not work. Perhaps I did not hit hard enough. I then removed the screws holding the electronics board, did not disconnect anything on the electronics board, and put it back. It worked. Not exactly sure why, but saved me from taking the whole thing off the wall.

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This just started happening to my GE Profile Microwave today. I tapped the cabinet portion with the heel of my hand near the top on the handle side and it stopped. Thanks to everyone who continues to answer this thread.

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Omg that worked. I moderately smacked the face of the control panel and the vent stopped.

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i pulled down on the door slightty and it turned off, not once buttwice on two seprate occasions. I thought it was a fluke then read the micro switch problem.

ordered new one and did a MATCH and replace with the correct switch types. 2 of the switches with NO normally open. x1 NC normally closed.

still did not work for me. :-(


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ordered and replaced the door switches. :-( spouse got tired of me "trying" to fix it and got a new one.

I still have it my my shop. Im determined to fix this monster !!!! thank you for your suggestion.

and I double checked to make sure the new switches were all valid and I used the right ones at the

right locations. There are three micro switches. 2 normally open and 1 normally closed.

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Add my name to the list for percussive maintenance a la The Fonz. I firmly banged that same area a few times and my Kitchenaid microwave is back to behaving nicely. Maybe Kitchenaid should include that technique in the manual.

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