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Repair guides and support for the 5th generation Honda Civic, first released in late 1991.

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My honda civic blow white smoke

I brought a honda civic and it throws white smoke out the muffler but then after it warms up it stops but then you turn of the car and it smells like burnt oil just need couple answers

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eric, could be a lot if things. Do a compression test and a leak down test first. Sounds like issues with the cylinder head and/or the valves i.e. valve stem seals etc. White smoke and the smell are pretty much evidence that you do burn oil.

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Could i put the luces oil clean cause i checked the head and no leak i checked the bottom to see if the oil pan gasket leaks and nothing and the coolant is full green not bubblely


eric, I don't think any additives will make a difference. In order to checks the heard you would have to remove it and get it fluxed for cracks.


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Putting to much oil in your car will also cause it to blow white smoke until you have the correct amount.

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