Liquid damage, Recovery help, Battery.

Hello fellow fix it helpers!

I´ve been browsing the forum for help on liquid damaged macbooks.

Here´s my case and I need some advice.

My macbook was on the table before a cup overturned, spilling onto the table and probably touching my macbook as it went out in a few seconds.

I immediately unscrewed the casing to dry the insides, which weren´t visibly wet as i removed the laptop immediately. I then blowdried it with a hairdryer and left it open. spotting a few droplets in the metal component of the computer at the top right. i took the hairdryer to dry up the spots of liquid and continued to leave it out to dry.

i have waited for 7 days before connecting my computer to the charger. at first the light was green and flickering yet very dim. i used another macbook charger and that charger went dead. so i tried it again with the first charger but now it wont charge again.

i brought it to the apple shop and they connected it to an existing charger and the green light of the charger lit up. but after a few minutes it went out too but it could continue charging the macbook pros on display in the shop. they said its probably to do with my laptop.

does this mean that my laptop is completely dead and beyond saving? was it due to the water damage? because it was really slight and i was reading comments online and many people could start their laptop after a few days so i was pretty hopeful.

if my computer is beyond saving, how do i get the data out from it? is there anyway to retrieve my documents? or to retrieve my iphone backup as i lost my iphone as well. please help!

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Spill is always really slight, it is our body's defense mechanism against what we have done to &&^& up something really expensive. Reality is that even a droplet of water is enough to destroy it. It is like giving a baby just "one drop" of cyanide, it will kill the baby the same way an entire bottle will.

First thing to do is confirm that the board number is 820-2915 so we can follow along with proper schematic and boardview, and also for you to get out a multimeter, a schematic, and a boardview. Then open the bottom lid of your machine, take some pictures of the damaged areas, and let's get to work. If you do not see damaged areas you are not looking closely enough.


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