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The Nabi Jr is a 5 inch learning tablet designed for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten children. Model: NABIJR-NV5B.

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Device is not responding to input

No matter what I try, the nabi Jr. Will not respond to any input. Both the touchscreen and buttons aren't changing this at all. There just seems to be no noticeable response at all.

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It seems like your device is frozen. Try to hold down the power button until the screen turns off. It usually takes like 10 - 20 secs for it to power off. If that does not work then you could try to wait until the device runs out of battery and shuts off on its own. Then you would have to charge it and then try to turn it back on and see if that works. If you have any other problems with your Nabi Jr you can go to this link to fix any other problems.

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Nope that is not it. It seems as if I can not get the home button to work & also my touchscreen only works in certain areas of the tablet

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