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The Ematic FunTab 2 is a 7" Quad-Core 8GB kid-friendly tablet. It comes pre-installed with a variety of educational games, a parental control dashboard, a front facing camera, a 2 megapixel back facing camera, and other productivity apps.

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I plug in my tablet, why won't it charge?

I plug the tablet into the charger, but it will not charge. Why?

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You might have a damaged charging port. If your charging port is intact and has little to no damage you will have to replace your battery. Here is a link to replacing the battery Ematic FunTab 2 Battery Replacement

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Problem with the camera

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mine will do the same but it will show the battery charging for but then will go blank and won't turn on from the power key or nothing... keep it on the charger?? what do i do???

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