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The first generation Honda CRV, produced from 1995 to 2001.

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start engine then very shortly afterwards it cuts out!

I have a Honda CR-V 2 litre petrol 1998 model not owned it long and has been great. Can start engine no problem then very shortly afterwards it cuts out! Checked plug leads no spark have changed disi (albeit off a second hand one that was supposed to be a runner) but same fault happens. Replaced engine earth lead (at someone's suggestion) but will do the same thing! Can anyone help please?

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Barbara and Homer, Stalling or missing of an engine will usually set engine trouble codes. Some auto parts stores like Auto zone, Pep boys, Advance auto, etc. offer free diagnostic code reading. You can go there as a first step to help determine what the problem is. The staff at some of the auto parts stores are very knowledgeable and may able to offer good advice.

If no luck retrieving codes at one of the parts stores you may have to go to a good repair shop that have a little better equipment/ scanner that can read live data, which normally can pin point the problem with testing and diagnosing. Ask for an estimate on repair. Good luck.

I hope this helped you out, if so let me know by pressing the helpful button.

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Is the idling rough?

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The sound of the engine (RPM) is unstable, when in position N or P why?

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I just got one to. and it does the same thing.I have been told that the ignition switch is the problem. and cost 127.00 the cheapest one I found on line.

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Did they say ignition switch relay or module. Have you checked the injecters


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