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Released May 2014, also identified as Nokia RM-1030/RM-1042 Android Smartphone.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Internet icon does not work

when I downloaded firefox browser the internet icon did not work. Kindly would you assist to rectify this problem. When I click on the internet icon it gives this message "Internet has stopped" Thanks.

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my phones ok but the I cannot turn off the mobile data

when turn off the data and lockscreen it well on automatically so pls help me in this situation


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For Nokia XL User:

go to Setting , Phone , Apps , After Select Manage Apps , Right side of Corner Select All folder , there Icon Showing internet Option, Select and do the following below

Force Stop

Turn Off

Clear Data

Clear Cache

Clear Defaults after turn on and open Internet browser again

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It worked perfectly. Thank you so much.


Thanks a lot. It's working perfectly. Saju Joseph.


Thanks a lot , u helped me to fix it .....thanks ...


My phone's internet is now running well. Big help, thanks a lot!


You helped me a lot!!!!! thank you !!!!! love you!!!


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try this

first disconnect your WiFi or internet connection

go to the browser setting go to clear private data icon

then clear all data

shutdown and restart

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did not help


it's not helpful.


but all my data will be cleaned,is there another solution??


thank you very much. It was of great help


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yes i also have this problem right now,but i couln't solve it til now,pls help

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Nokia browser has stopped

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My browser dosent download any things?


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super guruuuuuuuuuuu

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my nokia xl phone some file are auto install, & the file name of auto install com.google backup is not stop. i am many time reomve this file but this file auto instal in my phone please send the solution on this problem


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My Nokia RM 980 I was Selected SIM1 For 3 G Use But Now My Sim1 Slot is not working so i need to use it for SIM2 so if i going to choose for SIM 2 it is not working plz help me


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upgrade firmware its over

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A web browser acts as an interface between a user and internet. It used for several purposes like accessing websites, searching and retrieving data, etc. We are providing Online browser support in order to serve quick solutions when a fault is occurred while using them.

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