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The home button is no longer working

When I am in an app the home button does not function properly and does not take me back to the home screen. I am forced to reboot each time. Are there any known solutions for this?

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the home button flex can be ordered on ebay - there are around 150 search results.

the part can be replaced without complete disassembling the front panel

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the same thing happened to my 2nd gen. itouch, the problem is that there is a tiny flex ribbon connecting the home button to the home button pin, that is missing, unfortunately it is irreplaceable,unless you could get it out of another broken itouch.

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yeah, but if the connector an the motherboard fails your screwed. i know it happened to me. but i learned my lesson, and fixed it. but thats why i like repairing iphones. cuz you don't have that prob.

P.S. b.t.w. don't by the parts from this website. soooo overpriced. ebay is only a fraction of the price. ex: its 13.00 bucks on ebay as apposed to 69.95 here.

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It's all a matter of opinion, and this site exists not to express our opinion, but to assist and educated and not for belly aching about cost. If you have an issue with cost, please contact ifixit direct and not on here since 99% on the people on here are not associated with ifixit.


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