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How to drain dehumidifier bucket

How do I switch from having the bucket collect water to having it drain through the tube attached at the rear bottom? The bucket has no drain plug, and when I remove the bucket the unit stops working. Help, please.

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I could not find a teardown of this model but it has an option listed as "Continuous Drain Mode With External Drain Connection". There may be a valve that directs the water flow directly to the external tube and bypasses the bucket. I would check your users manual on how to set it up.

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There is a tiny black plug which, if inserted into the hole on the very top left, will divert the water flow to the back. I believe the tiny black plug may be in the top right ready for you to take it out and put it in the top left drain.

Now, my problem. After several years of having a daily flow of water I now have no water produced at all anymore. The humidity is quite high 79 and the setting is for 60. What could make it just stop taking the water out of the air?

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I ended up simply drilling a 1/2" hole in the front of the bucket with two #8 machine screw holes for the ears on the hose adapter. Put silicon glue around the hose adapter, slid it through the hole and secured it with the #8 machine screws, lock washers, and nuts. I no longer have the problem of the bypass pipe freezing up and blocking the bypass and filling the bucket instead.

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@rlstrommen58 - can you tell us more about the "Continuous Drain Mode With External Drain Connection" option?


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I am still having trouble getting the drain to work at that back instead of the bucket.

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