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Acer Aspire V3 Series Laptop. Sometimes referred to as Q5WV8.

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My laptop wireless operation to the internet has suddenly stopped

The wireless connection to the internet has suddenly stopped working. I am having to hard wire to get the internet connection. I know my wireless facility is working as the HP Deskjet printer is connecting wirelessly with no trouble.

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Have you tried the hot key? The hot key for this machine is F3 and the function key, which is the key with the windows on it between ctrl and alt. This turns your wifi on and off and puts you into airplane mode. If you accidentally did this than it can turn your wifi off. There is also a possibility that you lost the drivers, if the airplane mode wont turn it on and off, then you should reinstall the drivers for the nic. This is done by https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f73w1jJd... this is a good tutorial to help you out! Hope this helps~! Good luck!

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Thanks to Jimfixer for his solution - I had, since my appeal, tried the F3/function key but with no result. Further exploration had just led me to a settings facility where I was able to check wireless network/BTHub3 etc/wireless settings and discovered it showed that the wireless connection was disconnected. Don't know why this was so, but as soon as I remade the connection I was back in business. It would probably been simple for someone who knows what they are doing but as an old fogy my technical knowledge re computers is very low. Once again though, many thanks for all the help.


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