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The drone is a Wi-Fi capable and it's equipped with a built-in HD camera. It is used for taking pictures and filming. Model number: PF722000

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Unstable Take-off and crash

Hi, initially when I hit the take-off button the drone used to hover. For some reason now it spins and tilts to the right ...and crash lands

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3 Antworten

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Verify your helices, My do the same and I change, be attencion on the jelices open in the center and others is not, the close ones maybe put in silver pin above.

Sorry about my english

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André, o que vc fez pra resolver o seu? O meu não fica mais parado, ele fica andando sozinho...


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calibrated wrong if the trim is out of wack it will do that

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How do you fix the trim?


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Did you ever fix your problem? Dealing with the same thing. I was flying my drone when the prop flew off and now it does not take off and hover at all

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