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Black Screen - PRAM - No current


I can get a faulty MacBook Pro.

The description of the fault reads as follows:

The screen is always black. The harddisk tries to start but it seems it don't get enough power (electric current). He said that the Apple employee said that the logic board is faulty and the PRAM don't get enough power(electric current).

It happened quite suddenly....overnight.

What do you think, I can do to repair this MacBook?

For example baking?



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"baking" is somethig that others do when the computer has a faulty gpu - i doubt that it would help in any way with your problem


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Hook it up to an external monitor and see if you get a picture. If you get no picture or a scrambled picture, go here: nvidiasettlement.com If not my first bet would be the Nvida GPU recall. We'll go into this after the monitor test. Some other things to try: remove the battery and AC power and press the start button for 10 seconds. Now try starting up with the battery removed and just the AC adapter in place. Next start up and immediately hold down the option & command & P & R keys and hold it till you get three tones.

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I asked him if hey tried an external monitor but he don't have got one.

A few minutes ago he said that se hard disk don't run well and that there is no sound when you switch it on.


He should try to borrow a monitor or take the computer to a friends that has one. This will allow him toreduce the number of possible problems. +


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My 17" 1229, had the same thing; I opened it up from sleep and black screen. I could shut it down by pressing power once then the enter key.

External digital monitor out of the DVI port didn't work either. I did the remove battery Op&Cmd + p&r reboot; without luck too.

Called Apple, they sent me a box to put it in and I had it back in a few days fixed with a new logic board; FREE as in No Charge for anything. (2yrs old; no Apple Care plan)

It was the chipset on the Nvida graphics card; which was recalled.

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