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Black Screen (BOD) Problem

when I turn on my netbook the screen turns black . Have wiped the memory ram, I cleaned the cooler and tested the HDD . Everything is OK. Also connected to an external monitor and the problem continued.

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Gewählte Lösung

It could be a problem with static discharge , if so do the following.

1. Disconect the power cord

2. Remove the battery

3. Hold down the power button for 30 seconds , then release for 30 sec and then hold down for another 30sec

4. Plug in power ,replace battery and power on laptop.

If this causes no Joy try this.

Remove memory and reinstall one stick at a time, if there are more than 1 dimm of ram, try each stick in each slot one at a time to see if the memory is ok and to determine if one of the memory slots is bad.

Hope this helps

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Sounds like a gpu issue

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Si el portátil hace los ruidos de costumbre en el arranque y la pantalla sigue en negro, a pesar de haberle conectado un monitor, lo más probable es que la gráfica de la placa base se haya averiado.

La solución pasaría por un reballing de la gráfica de la placa base.

English: If the laptop does the usual noises during startup and the screen is still black, despite having connected a monitor, chances are that the graph of the system board has failed.

The solution would be for reballing graphics motherboard.

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Sad to say but sounds like you have a motherboard issue

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