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Xbox One Stereo Headset, model number B00IAVDQCK. Released March 2014, compatible with the Microsoft Xbox One. Headset includes over-the-ear fabric ear cups, unidirectional boom microphone, and detachable headset adapter with volume and mic controls.

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I cannot hear anything out of the right speaker

I can only hear audio from the left speaker and none from the right how can I fix it?

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I suggest testing this by plugging the headset into a phone or computer with a headphone jack and test the audio to ensure it is the headset itself and not the adapter.

If it is the headset you may need to replace the speaker on that side of the headset.

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The right side of my speaker stopped working when I moved the tip of the cable. I could it open a bit to see what was the problem and I noticed one of the cable was ripped. That may load to the right side, and if I can somehow connect it back (the other end must be tucked into the cylinder thingy) I'm sure it'll start working again.

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SusanJ Bolden


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My volume&sound is not working on my Huawei vision3LTE

Thank you help

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