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The Canon PowerShot A720 IS is a point-and-shoot camera with 8.0 megapixel resolution and a 6x optical zoom.

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With new batteries my camera turns off

I put new AA batteries in my camera and still it turns off a few seconds after turning on. It will take Pictures and videos in that time, And play them. I have tried several new batteries As well as rechargeable batteries. As soon as I turn on camera I get a recharge prompt even with new batteries. Hope you can help. Thanks

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It sounds like your camera is damaged in some way, have you dropped it? Try taking it back to the store you bought it from because sometimes there is an expert onsite that can help, or give you a refund. Good luck.

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My camera does the same with alkaline batteries but works fine with NiMH rechargeables. Don't use Nickel Cadmium. Use NiMH.

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wayne wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

Letzte 24 Stunden: 0

Letzte 7 Tage: 1

Letzte 30 Tage: 4

Insgesamt: 419