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Repair guides, user manuals, and service manuals for the Acer Aspire V5-573pg. This thin and lightweight 15.6-inch laptop was produced between 2013 and 2014 and was designed for everyday use, balancing performance and portability.

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Acer V5-571 Series BIOS Locked and need code / Help

When trying to boot to the OS, I get an error 0xc000021a and the PC continuously tries to reboot.

If I press F2, I get a dialog box with Password/Unlock Key and the code 11DAA97B.

I am trying to get it to boot to CD so I can re-install Windows.

I tried entering a code from http://bios-pw.org, but it did not work.

Hopefully, somebody can help with this issue.

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what the unlock key hint number a42eb255





What the unlock key hint number 94CF3C43 Acer Travelmate 8573TG-2624G75

da Ivano


Whats 5he unlock key - 4B43313E


password/unlock key : .........

unclock key hint number 5ce4c08f


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3 Antworten

Gewählte Lösung

On the Acer Aspire V5 series, if you open the bottom cover and remove the RAM you should find a couple of pads on the board labelled G2201. Remove the battery and power cord from your machine. Use a piece of wire to short those two pads. While holding the wire, plug the machine back in, then hit the power button. This should clear the password. I had to do this a number of times, but what finally worked was to hold the power button down while the machine came on, then shut off. I cycled this a few times then eventually the password was removed and I was able to get into the BIOS setting screens. Good luck!

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Hi, thousand thanks to you. I thought I loss my laptop. Fortunately your answer help me out. God bless you.


Thanks, I helped!


I tried a lot of things to get this laptop fixed for a friend of mine. Your info did it. Thank you to put this information out there ;-)


Hey tom, I opened up the laptop, took the out and I can see only one G2201 and the other two are G2101 and G2701. So I was just wondering which ones do I short out. I'm using the Acer aspire v5-571. Please help me out it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Thanks a lot, you helped me...


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You can Just buy Your Password at http://biospassword.tech Choose ( Acer ) and take it from there or here is the direct link: http://biospassword.tech/acer-bios-and-h... tested and working even on laptop built in 2018

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This worked on an Acer A717-72G from 2018, which had a corrupted BIOS password (the password was known to be 1234).

The key to unlock arrived after roughly 90 minutes.


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The solution suggested by Tom Stephenson above worked for me, I was using a wire from an audio cable which wasn't working for me at all, I guess because it has too many little fibre cores. I then tried using a wire from an ethernet cable cut out a coloured piece snip both ends and place each end on the G2201 copper triangle pads. Worked first time hold the wires in place then press the power button and hold.

Block Image

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