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The Beiens Cartoon RC Race Car is a toy made in China designed for kids 18 months and older. It comes with a removable race car driver figure and a remote controller. The race car requires 3 AA batteries, and the remote requires 2 AA batteries. The batteries are not included in the toy.

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Why won’t the car turn on?

My car won't turn on

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Check both the remote control and the toy car to see if the batteries are properly in place. If they are, try replacing the batteries with a fresh set.

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Some cars have batteries that must be replaced, whereas others are rechargeable. Charging may take a day or two, but depending on the car, it may be normal. If you do not have a charger, I recommend buying another, or if it is an older car, the chargers may only be sold on sites where you can buy a gently used charger that is inexpensive, and fits the make and model of your toy car. If these techniques do not work, I would suggest seeing a specialist to see if there is possibly something wrong with the remote, or the connection between the car and the remote.

I wish you the best,

Jolie Summers

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No just the batteries, but also some cars have a black fuse or can be a relay that is bad.

Check the fuse with a tester both sides or pulled out and check the inside if is broken and replaced, and saw the relays.

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Rechargeable batteries are dead

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