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When computer starts 4 beeps then nothing

I have a custom built computer with an Asus motherboard, and when I try to start it it beeps 4 times and then does nothing. The fans are running and the little green light is on the mother board but nothing else. Can anyone help?

ASUS M5A97 motherboard

AMD X6 FX-6300 cpu

G.SKILL Ripjaws 8GB ram

Corsair CS Modular CS650M power supply

ASUS GeForce GTX 750

Samsung 850 EVO 250GB ssd

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is it 4 solid beeps or are there spaces2 long 2 short


4 beeps all the same


Replace the cmos battery. That sometimes gives 4 beeps if dead or it is your ram. Try change positions and use one stick when testing


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Asus motherboards are usually American Megatrends' AMI BIOS. and if that's the case four beeps mean System Timer failure: Timer 1 on the mainboard does not work properly. This can mean that your motherboard has failed but before throwing it out there have been cases were the memory has failed on one dimm but not the other, so pull one dimm at a time and try to start it and see what happens

Hope this helps

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I'll try this and let you know


one stick of ram didnt work the other did. its new just today so whats the deal. Thanks for the help looks


Found the A channel (a1 & a2) work fine, however, the B channel always issues the 4 beep System Timer Failure code on boot. Anyway to restore functionality? Or is this a permanent failed state?


johngonsalvesjr have you tried more than one dimm of ram or have you tried different dimm. it could be the stick or the slot so try different sticks . also remember that one slot is prioritized as first and unless it has a stick in it the second may not work . also just blowing the slot out may help as dust in the slot can cause problems


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Had same problem with a z77 board. Had 2 different sticks of ram and would get the 4 beeps on every stick and slot I tried. Plugged in a different psu and it booted?!

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i got same problem i tryed with new hardware all switched even new motherboard, ram,processer,psu,gpu, i tryed it all..problem still there when i boot up. and it does not beep every time some times there is 2 or 4 days between i get these 4 beeps

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