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Quadcopter with pre-installed camera gimbal, 4K video camera, and wireless video transmission.

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My drone will not come on?

I got everything out the case, put battery in slot, pressed button on battery, light bars stayed on for a few second, went off, did not come back on, went to controller, switched on, and switched wifi on, everything green, except for drone, light on battery want stay on, Help

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Press button twice. First for a half second, then hold the button for 2 seconds and your bird will wissle.

Then fly .........................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my friend.

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I hope you have flown your bird already. ( post of aug.2015 )


Hello Can you help me? My drone DJI 4 battery works but drone will not light up or turn on Looks like drone is dead.


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Hello, my DJI 4 when battery turns on I get no lights at all it looks like my drone is dead.

Help Please.....

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same problem...anyone ?


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Hello need help have a DJI 4 battery works but the drone has no lights nothing it looks like it is dead.

Thanks Please help.

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same problem...anyone ?


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