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Die sechste Generation des von Google designten Android Smartphone, welches LG produziert. Modell LG-H790. Veröffentlicht im Oktober 2015.

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Cracked Glass Covering the Camera

The glass covering the camera on the back of my Nexus 5X recently cracked. To prevent shards of glass falling off in my pocket, I removed the entire piece of glass. Now my camera will not focus (even after carefully cleaning the exposed camera lens).

1. If I replaced the glass the covered the camera, would that also correct the focus issue? Or because it cannot focus without the glass, should I assume the camera lens has been damaged as well?

2. Where can I purchase a replacement glass cover? Google and LG did not offer any replacement part purchasing options for this phone.

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I also cracked the camera glass. Do I have to buy a new glass or new camera unit? Where can I buy parts for this phone?


Unfortunately, I still haven't found anyone that offers the replacement glass cover for the Nexus 5X camera. This shipping tape temporary solution is getting old ...


I am able to find replacements for this glass on ebay now. With an xacto knife the glass and adhesive is easy enough to come off. Hopefully the replacement is high quality.


After replacing the glass and the camera, there is an autofocusing issue, how can it besolved?


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Gewählte Lösung

I found out that the camera glass is a part of the back cover. I also found a part on eBay to fix. Very disappointing and annoying problem, indeed. [EBay Link]

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But the imprint device is painted and part of the main body, so make sure you're not replacing an Ice Blue cover with a black one.


Good find, @inginator! Hopefully a $5 glass-only offer becomes available in the future for others, but I'm too impatient to wait. A $31 back cover will do! Thanks!


I, on this account, not @inginator, have posted a new one that is just glass only at the bottom.


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Hilfreichste Antwort

The issue is with the cracked glass if any of the crack is in the line of site of the camera thats what the camera will try to focus on . Replace the glass and if you still have problems the camera is an easy R and R they can be purchased on ebay or Amazon



Nexus 5X Teardown

Hope this helps

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the nexus 5 camera lens cover is compatible with nexus 5x?


@kaye no, it's not. You should go for the full back cover replacement.


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Hi there, I would say it will fix the focus issue. As for sourcing the part. Your best bet would be eBay or aliexpress.

Good Luck

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Thanks for the supplier recommendations. I'll keep my eye out for when a replacement becomes available.


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Finally found one on eBay! [EBay Link]

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Helli Alex Ing; Did you already ordered this ?

is it easy to replace?


@wesley2708 I ordered the one I posted as my other account. Please let us know if that one is good, though.


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After cracking my lens cover and finding this thread, I purchased a new one from eBay for about $14 with shipping. I was able to replace the glass by using a small screwdriver to remove the broken glass and scrape the adhesive off the back of the cover. Then I just pressed the new lens cover on and I was done. I took the back off my Nexus while doing this and found that while this wasn't strictly necessary, I would still recommend doing it to avoid accidentally damaging the camera.

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Can you provide the link for the lens cover you bought?


Here's the link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Genuine-LG-H791-...

Also, since this post the lens I bought didn't stick well and fell out one day. I just picked it up, wiped it off, and superglued it back on and I've been good since.


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Thanks Aaron and Jim. I actually took the back cover off, reseated the connection to the camera, and polished its lens. Now, it focuses perfectly (not sure what actually fixed it). So the camera actually works fine without the glass cover. Temporarily, I've covered it with clear shipping tape until a third party manufacturer produces a replacement glass (hopefully sooner than later).

Thanks again!

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I know that you posted this a while ago, but I have been having trouble with my broke camera lens and I can't get it to focus. How do you reseat the connection to the camera? I do not know if you mean reset but, even if so, how did you do it?


In my case the camera was not close focussing. After I took the back off I found that there was a small piece of glass stuck in the camera mechanism. I tweeked that out of there and the lens focusses perfectly without any glass cover. Still waiting for a cover so I have the lens covered with a piece of tape, a small piece of paper on the tape so it won't accidentally stick to the lens and potentially leave a residue,


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Do we know if that Nexus 5 ebay part is a suitable replacement for the Nexus 5x?

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My glass is broken too I hope Google provide a replacement quickly!

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don't if nexus 5 camera glass is compatible with nexus 5x


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Hi All,

I tried with the glass cover of the nexus 5 unfortunately it is not compatible

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