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Das iPhone 6 Plus mit dem 5,5 Zoll Display ist die größere Version des iPhone 6 und seit dem 19. September 2014 auf dem Markt.

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touch screen not responding and white lines on top

hi, i have a iphone 6 plus, it was bent when i bought it, i changed its back housing, occasionally it shows white lines and touch screen stops reponding, i have to press it to make it working, first i thought it is lcd problem but today when i tried other one, it also have same issues and now touch has stopped permanently and i can't use it, is there any way to fix it?

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Can you post pics of the screen and pics of the lcd digitizer connectors for the board.


thanks to eveyone who replied, it was problem with touch ic,



how did you fix it?


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chips that would need to be replaced are called: cumulus and meson chip, very common issue nowadays, this article explains why it happens:


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This is a classic case of touch disease. The correct PERMANENT fix is to have Meson (touch IC chip) removed and a jumper put in place from the M1 pad to the corresponding circuit trace/pad. The issue is the M1 pad gets a micro tear/crack/break, etc and makes intermittent contact with the adjacent trace. The chip itself is (in my opinion) not to blame at all, but rather this defect in the PCB itself. You can normally reball Meson and put back in after putting in the trace jumper. A quick Youtube search for touch disease will have results including the M1 jumper mod. If you are unable to do the repair yourself, find a reputable shop that offers the service and send it to them. Hope this helps.

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Totally agree with you. We used to replace ic in my store, and that didn´t solve all situations. When we started rebuilding the traces of M1 AND L1, and reballing the original ic, things got much better, almost no returns now.


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I had this issue as well. My phone seemed to have a micro bend. Using both hands I applied a minute amount of pressure across the frame of phone to test my touch capability (Be very careful and use common sense). At certain point my screen started responding. However, when I released, it would stop working. At that point I knew that it had to be a faulty connection. I opened my phone, unplugged LCD screen from main board, cleaned all connections and inspected them for damage. I then put the phone together taking extra care to make sure all of them were snug. Put it all back together and luckily everything seemed as it should be. I was lucky and it was an easy fix. Keep in mind, if you open your phone, you loose your warranty.

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I had the same problem and I removed the logic board and the touch sensor need to be secured with a piece of rubber. I watched a youtube video on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mmmfk0A... and this helped a lot. I did this and have not had any problems since. I hope this helps. If your phone is under warranty take it to an Apple store and they will replace or fix it. If it's not like mine, I saved myself couple hundred bucks for the repair or new phone.

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Mine started doing this just after the most recent update(2 days ago). Never dropped it or got it wet.

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