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TV not responding well to IR remote commands

The Vizio Television SV472XVT responds intermittently to remote commands for mute and volume yet seems to respond ok for VIA (menu for apps) and TV settings. I have the original Vizio TV remote, a Comcast X1 remote and a Harmony remote and all give the same results so it is the TV that is the problem. I have unplugged the TV and restarted it. I haven't reset to factory defaults because the picture is calibrated and very good. Input is by HDMI cable from an AVR receiver. The problem started about a month ago and has become worse but the sound buttons on the TV work fine. Seems like a firmware problem to me. Will a reset to factory defaults affect this? Any other ideas? thanks.

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I want to add an update for checking your remotes. If the remote is IR (not paired using bluetooth) you can point your phone or tablet camera at it and press any button on the remote. You should be able to see the IR on the phone screen as a pulsing or steady light. This also works for Harmony remotes that use a hub, just point the camera at the hub instead of the remote. This way you can check a remote to make sure it is functioning. Ron


Having same problem with my E3D470VX model no remote will work will aslo look into replacment of ir board


Thanks! Same Problem

Have a Vizio 42" XVT3D424SV and have two Vizio keyboard VUR10 remotes. So the other day the VUR10 I had been using regularly stopped working. After having tried the Vizio Support remote reset procedure which included replacing the batteries and removing plug from outlet a few times with both remotes had limited to no success. One VUR10 stayed totally dead the other VUR10 would only power on the TV - no other remote finction worked. Called Vizio support who protocol is first to suspect the remote is the problem. However, since I tried unsuccessfully to program a Comcast universal remote I have concluded it is the TV IR sensor and not the remote. Vizio support did provide this link to VizParts for IR Sensor part #: 3647-0012-0189 however, they only had re-certified not new part. This IR senor seems to be in short supply: I have ordered a new part from ebay we will see if new and if it works.



I may be our of sequence or redundant but to follow up on Whole Witt's post regarding mobile phones, tablets, etc... the Play Store has a "Peel Smart Remote" app for android (not sure on iPhone) that can duplicate a remote (if the phone is IR capable), which is another way of isolating whether original/replacement TV remote is operational/faulty... I apologize if this point has already been established... and still grateful Whole Witt got me looking at my IR board (which was bad, and replaced easily at low cost)... odd that it appears there are quite a few apparent issues with Vizio IR boards--but I am sure they sell millions of TVs and my scale/scope of the issue is likely very incomplete...


I have a Vizio E32H-C1. The IR is NOT bad, although Vizios "go to" is to sell you a ton of remotes. When the TV does respond it is very slugglish. I have done the "power cycle" and have managed to to the reset thru the TV's menu. The TV for the most part is non-responsive. It is only 2 years old. This is isn't the first time this TV has done this, although other times a power cycle has resolved the issues. Multiple remotes have been used with the same result extremely sluggish response. It take about 15 minutes to raise the volume 2 clicks and the is not a manual button on this TV for audio, only power. Talking to Vizio is worthless.


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I now have fixed my TV and wanted to come back with info on what I did. The sumptom was the TV would respond intermittently to IR commands from my Cable and harmony remotes but would work ok using the TV remote which was paired to the TV using Bluetooth (not IR).

There is a very small IR receiver board in the TV (approx 0.4" x 2.25") which is located in the lower right side corner of the TV (as you face the screen). You must open the TV to get to the board and this involves removing 8 long screws from the base, 4 long screws from the sides and 15 5/8" screws from the sides. There are also 6 machine screws with washers (input panel, mark their locations), 3 - 10mm self taping screws (input panel) and one hex nut (input panel).

After opening the set (removing the back panel) I found the IR board (see pictures). For the SV472XVT TV this part is mostly unavailable. I finally order a similar part (board number 3642-0042-0189) which would not fit the mounting space. If you have good soldering skills you can remove the IR sensor from this board and replace the sensor on the correct board (3642-0072-0189). It is best to cut the leads of the defective part and pull them out while heating with the soldering iron. Do not cut the leads of the new sensor but it must be removed from the replacement board. You will need to use solder wick to remove the solder from the holes.

After replacing the IR sensor, I installed the board and set the TV upright and tested it using my Harmony and Comcast remotes. It worked perfect.

Wholewitt (Ron)

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This bad board is my problem. My harmony remote worked for the first month or so them just stopped. I went back to using my TV remote. I don't know if I will bother cracking into it but thank you for clarifying my problem. I have been fighting my harmony.


I figured out why my original TV remote seems to work while the other don't. I forgot that the Original TV remote is paired with bluetooth so it is not using the IR commands. My Harmony and Comcast remotes both use IR to control the TV and that is where the problem lies.


Great. Glad you got it figured out.


Oh... I think this was the main problem of the Mitsubishi TV.


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Whole Witt yes it could be a settings issue which might be resolved by a reset. However, it is also possible that you are starting to have to trouble with the IR board of your TV. So if a reset will not resolve that, consider that board your next step.

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Thanks, I will have to write down or photo the picture settings settings so I can return them to what they are now. This step cost nothing but time so it is a good start.


Resetting to default settings under the Help menu didn't fix the problem. It's not critical at this point since the Vizio remote seems to work better than the others for some reason, also all channel changes and input selections are done through the AVR and X1 cable box. I will look at an IR board replacement (out of stock at the moment).


Having similar issues with Vizio M492i-b2... is it difficult to replace the board/sensor? cant find any instructions....


The board is likely on a connector like mine was. Two screws and a small connector. Finding the replacement board may be harder. I used www.electronresort.com which has the best prices but in my case I had to replace the sensor because the boards were mostly not available except a place in Canada which was much higher price. Replacing the sensor only requires some good soldering skill and solder wick. See my pics and comments.


Thanks... found the board w/ sensor and its in shipment -- will see -- its the intermittent nature of the problem that bothers me... but something has to give since the TV itself has exactly one button (power)... no channel or volume buttons, etc....


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Vizio TV IR Sensor Issue - well in previous post had mentioned that both the Vizio 42" XVT3D424SV IT Sensor Issue - VUR10 and the Comcast remotes were not working and was able to identify that the Vizio IR sensor was not picking up commands from either remotes. Found a You Tube video to see how to lay down TV on soft blanket/rug etc, unscrew back plastics to gain access to IR sensor to get correct part number it turns out my IR sensor part number was different that what I thought I needed. What I did find was that the IR sensor was housing glue had come off the front of the TV so no signal from remote was being received. Re- glued the IR sensor to the front of TV, tested the remotes and all were working again. No replacement IR sensor needed. Made sure I had laid the keys around the TV frame so I could place screws back in same spot there are some different lengths and placed back in TV base and all is well.

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Would keypad board prevent television from turning on after replacing the power supply board and main board


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I had an old Mitsubishi TV and it didn't respond for a decade. I had this problem for a decade. So I guess it needed a little of something. But people need to help in order for your TV to respond. Otherwise you won't have that much time to watch something. So my dad contacted the technician of our provider. Dish Network which is called Dish for short.

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If I use my Bluetooth vizio remote to turn on my tv it starts to blink off and on. I reset the tv and use the tv on/off button and there is no problem. Also if I use the dish programmed remote there is no problem. What would cause the Bluetooth vizio remote to not work correctly?

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