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Device and repair guides for the RCA 10 Viking Pro, an Android tablet with detachable keyboard that can be identified by model number RCT6303W87 DK.

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How do I get a manual for my tablet?

Hello Sirs, I received a RCA 10 Viking Pro Tablet for Christmas. There was no manual with it. I am having a lot of problems setting it up. Can I get the proper manual for the tablet? If not Why Not?

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Download it! Google it like everybody else does! Okay search on:

Viking Pro 10 RCA User Manual. There are 2 of them. 1 is English and the other is Spanish. Personally, I have both of them!

RCA - Radio Corporation of America - is an ancient company that produced old radios, phonographs and records to play on them. If you had All 3 of them in mint condition, they'd be worth a small fortune.

Well have to go - Boom Beach is calling.

Lord Saint Dennis Charles Smart, Enlightened

Heaven's Spokesman, Healer, Exorcist & Seer


Download it! Google it like everybody else does! Okay search on:

Viking Pro 10 RCA User Manual. There are 2 of them. 1 is English and the other is Spanish. Personally, I have both of them!

RCA - Radio Corporation of America - is an ancient company that produced old radios, phonographs and records to play on them. If you had All 3 of them in mint condition, they'd be worth a small fortune.

Well have to go - Boom Beach is calling.

Lord Saint Dennis Charles Smart, Enlightened

Heaven's Spokesman, Healer, Exorcist & Seer


I have been having the same problem, every place I go my security wont let me on the site because of security certificate issues, I've been goggling it for two fricken weeks and none of the addresses will let me on the site. Except I have a RCA Galileo pro 2 in 1 ,rct6513w87dkc manufacture Id; RR-1428700 Inventory part number. I can get on the international sites where they don't speak a lick of English but I cant get on a USA site.


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@melloman you can download the manual from here This is direct download. I did do a virus check as well as malware and spamware and all scans were negative.

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The OS should have come with a manual. If it has been deleted, create a new user(or reset), or click @oldturkey03 's link.


When I clicked on the link, it took me to RCA and the link for the manual. When I clicked on that link, I was informed that the website was compromised, and there were numerous privacy issues. I immediately got out of that page...do not click on link and do not download from that site!


@rayandbeckybateman thank you for pointing the security concern out. Link in original answer changed.


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