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The Commodore 64 was released in August 1982 and was met with huge success. In March of 1987 the Commodore 64C was released.

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No commie blue screen

I have 3 com64 computers. All 3 worked fine a few weeks ago.

Starting yesterday one of the computers wouldnt show the blue screen on the monitor. The same happened when I hooked it to a TV-no blue screen.

I tried my other 2 computers on the monitor and TV-no blue screen.

I switched RF cables. Still nothing. How can all 3 computers go down at the same time?

All 3 were working fine last week.

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I don't know anything about that computer in specific but if all 3 computers of yours stopped working suddenly then it is possible that you may have a power problem where there may have been spikes in voltages coming from your outlets. I suggest that you test your computer's power supply to see if it has a problem or if it happened to fry any of your components. You can also check this guide that I found on your computer that may help you find out if your computer had a power issue. Hope this helps!

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Thanx for responding. I tried all 3 computers on both the monitor and 2 TV sets. Sometimes I get the blue screen, many times nothing. I used different cables and disk drives, changed the power strip. Weird thing is, all 3 worked fine a few weeks ago when I tested them and they been sitting in a closet. I got one to work last nite but only in black & white which is fine. Nothing works this morning. I also noticed that the disk drive doesnt engage when I turn the computer on. When it does, the monitor/TV work. I tutor kids and use old Commie software. Thats why I have 3 computers and disk drives as back ups.


It was the power supply to the computer. Not enuf voltage to drive the DD and monitor!


Im glad i was able to help :)


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If you are using all three computers with the same monitor. I'd try a different monitor.

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Thanx for responding.

I tried all 3 computers on both the monitor and 2 TV sets. Sometimes I get the blue screen, many times nothing. I used different cables and disk drives, changed the power strip. Weird thing is, all 3 worked fine a few weeks ago when I tested them and they been sitting in a closet.

I got one to work last nite but only in black & white which is fine. Nothing works this morning. I also noticed that the disk drive doesnt engage when I turn the computer on. When it does, the monitor/TV work.

I tutor kids and use old Commie software. Thats why I have 3 computers and disk drives as back ups.


Well if it works when reading the disk drive and doesn't when the drive is not running, looks to me like you need to replace the drive. Is the system on the disk drive?


I have tried with multiple disk drives.

Finally it dawned on me. What is consistent with each computer? The power supply! I was using the same power supply for each computer. I changed the power supply and the problem has ceased! Who would have thunk it? Not enuf voltage to drive the monitor and DD?

Thanx for your input in this matter.


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