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Asus ZenFone 2 (ZE551ML) is an Android smartphone manufactured by ASUS released March 2015.

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phone cannot be switch on and battery draining too fast

holla. i am an asus user. i confused and get some worries when my smartphone drained the battery power very fast. why ?

and one more, my smartphone asus zenfone 2 cannot be switch on after suddenly the battery 15 % left ? please help me . as try to charge it and switch on, but it doesnt work ! please. i am begging . as i didnt play my phone since 2 months ago. honestly, i felt quiet difficult as my data and social apps are in it.

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It is reccomended that you use the Auto Start Manager in order to disable apps from running in the background. You can go on to select both the Preloaded and the Running apps section and select or uncheck the individual applications. Reducing the screen time to less than "30 seconds" also helps you to improve the battery life of the phone.You can find out How To Resolve and Fix Fast Battery Draining Issue in Asus ZenPhone 25 for more detailed information.

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