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Die sechste Generation des von Google designten Android Smartphone, welches LG produziert. Modell LG-H790. Veröffentlicht im Oktober 2015.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Earpiece replacement for buzzing sound

I think I have to replace my earpiece because of buzzing even at low volume.

Are this the right steps?

Remove back cover (snap clips)

Remove midplate (phillips screws, no flat cable connectors or soldering)

Change earpiece (no soldering, no flats, just sticker to keep it in place)


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FYI, I just replaced the earpiece, motherboard remove is not needed and there are no flat cables to disconnect, I's say it's quite an easy process....

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1 Kommentar:

Very good to know motherboard removal is not necessary, that definitely reduces some stress, thanks! Waiting on replacement kit now -- hope it fixes my problem.


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