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The 7" version of Amazon's new high-end tablet series, released in October, 2013. Model C9R6QM.

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bricked kindle hdx 3rd gen

I have kindle fired HDX 3rd gen, 2013, thanks to a wayward app has bricked the device,

system see's as unknown usb device adb drivers do not see it, attaching fastboot cable does nothing, other hdx's work on same pc and are seen, is it possible to fix by getting donor hdx w/cracked screen or something and moving the innerds to uncracked system ?

Update (01/19/2016)

At about 25 second mark is when I get prompted on unrecognized usb device, however nothing further waiting the full 60 seconds though,

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Yes you can use your old screen of the bricked machine as a donor . However have you tried a soft reset. Start by unplugging the tablet. Hold down the power button for a full 30 seconds without interruption ignoring the screen prompts then after the 30 sec release the button and then press it to start. Then do a factory hard reset to clear the bad app. Before doing a factory reset or hard reset make sure you have at lest 40% battery life. Go to “Settings” > “Device Options” > “Reset to Factory Defaults” > “Reset” .Once you've done this you will have lost all your apps and data except for what is in your amazon account in cloud storage Hope this helps

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I have tried the 30 second option you mentioned, with no change, it is seen as unknown usb device when plugged in 2 different machines, no boot, no video on kindle screen


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This is a Hardbrick and it's the hardest brick to fix, most of people fail or just forget about doing it because it require opening the tablet and having access to the motherboard and then soldering some wires to it with a SD Card reader to get access to the eMMC directly and trying to flash back the boot partition which is encrypted by Amazon... Some says that they successfully fixed it on forums but most don't, I have one in the same situation as yours and I didn't try to fix it yet as I didn't find the required files to flash them.

if you are still interested by fixing I will send you the links later so you can know more about the process.

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Yes i hace the same problemas please help

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Post the links. Got a two-day old one I bricked and I'd like to see how hard it is.

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I made a video on this to anyone who needs video help. Feel free to view the video. Links and all instructions in the description.


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