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Lenovo Business Laptop, welcher April 2011 veröffentlicht wurde. Das X220 ersetzt das Thinkpad X201. Wesentliche Verbesserungen umfassen: Verfügbarkeit eines 1366x768 IPS-Displays, Intel Core CPUs der 2. Generation, ein neuer Trackpoint, neue Ultrabase, SATAIII. Nachfolger des X220 ist das X230.

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LCD Controller Board Compatibility?

Which lcd controller board are compatible with the lcd in the x220?

Im trying to turn the touch lcd from my X220 tablet laptop into a portable external monitor, for that I need to hook the lcd up to a LCD controller board, which are compatible with the tablet version of the Lenovo X220

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Hi,What's your LCD screen number?I think you could use this controller board:


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