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A toy blaster released in 2012 by Hasbro, it is the successor to the 2008 N-Strike Recon CS-6.

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My nerf blaster doesn't shoot like it used to!

I've noticed that my Nerf N Strike Elite Retaliator blaster is not satisfying my desire for long range shooting. This hasn't always been the case, but it seems it doesn't fire with the same velocity anymore. Are there any common repairs that would restore my blaster to factory specifications?

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If you are noticing loss of power or distance there can be several issues wrong with your blaster, such as an obstruction in the barrel or spring fatigue. Please follow our guide to troubleshoot the issue and solve it with step by step instructions.

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Typically the sealing is the problem. You can try some oil or replace the sealing. Spring can be extended or replaced as well

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