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Das Sony Xperia Z3 ist ein Android Smartphone, welches 2014 auf den Markt kam und bekannt ist für seine lange Akkulaufzeit und Haltbarkeit.

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How to enter recovery mode

How do you enter recovery mode on the Xperia Z3?

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I have the same problem with my phone sony Xperia z3+... How can i enter recovery mode?


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6 Antworten

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Steps to boot into Sony Xperia Z3 Recovery Mode:

1. First power off the Sony Xperia Z3 by pressing and holding the power button or by pressing the power button and selecting "power off."

2. Power on the Z3 and when the LED notification lights are on press the volume up or volume down buttons multiple times.

3. At last you have rebooted into recovery mode.

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Bewertung 12

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why doesnt this work for me


Many many thanks!! work for me :)


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You can also press the power button and then when the option to power off, restart etc comes up on the screen, long press on the Power Off option and it will ask if you want to reboot to safe mode.

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Bewertung 6

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I think you posted on the wrong thread?!

How is Safe Mode relevant?


This actually helped me, thank you!


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hi there,

with me when i power the phone off and i will power it on, then the led flash light dont show up to i should press volume up

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Don't have an Xperia Z3. Android devices have different ways to enter recovery mode, though usually involve some combination keys. Moreover, some third party tools can boot most phones into recovery mode easily. You can check a tutorial here.

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My z3 is on factory mode when u power on


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the recovery not work with my sony xperia z3

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My S/ xperia z3 is hanging. I have pressed stop(poers) botton + Volume up for long time. It goes off, bjt comes back to the same Display. I cant RESTART OR TURN OFF. I NEED HELP.

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