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Released in August 2014, the Lenovo Y50-70 Touch is part of the Lenovo's Y series of laptops. Equipped with a dedicated graphics card and a 15.6" touch screen, the Y50-70 Touch is specialized for gaming.

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Screen flickering (Might be link to GPU)


Since a month or so now my screen seems to be flickering. Sometime randomly, sometime when stuff happen on the screen like scrolling a pdf directly in gmail.

I'm suspecting it could be link to gpu because when i disable gpu acceleration in chrome, the problem seems to be less likely to happen

Drivers all updated. I just flashed the BIOS to update it with Lenovo's tool.

The flickering don't happen when i move the computer, which suggest to me that it's not a cable problem (Moving it around should increase the chance for flickering ?)

Any suggestion ?

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Hi, Can you connect an external monitor to see if you have a stable picture?


It was still happen but more stable when an external screen plugged (It seems that the external screen don't flicker but the screen just stop receiving feed for an instand and become black). I think i found the cause, when i disable the integrated video card, the problem stop happening. It seems to come from the power switch between the integrated card and NVidia

I tried to downgrade my driver to the last one available on Lenovo (Manufacter seems to customize their drivers sometime) and it seems to be more stable now, but still happening.

If someone has a better idea...


Hi, Try starting your laptop in 'Safe Mode'. If the screen doesn't flicker it is a driver problem. If it still flickers it most probably is a hardware problem. Also really way out thought. Is the laptop's cooling vent clear and unobstructed and can you 'feel' that the fan is running? I'm wondering if it may be heat related.


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I found a way to eliminate the problem so far, by choosing the balanced power option instead of performence. (If you want to keep the perf plan, go in the plan setting and change Intel(R) Graphics Power Plan to balanced on battery, it seems to mitigate the problem !)

If someone has a better idea...

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Find a reputable soldering laboratory with ability to refurbish BGA components. It will be fairly simple procedure for them and will repair the connectivity issues between circuit board and graphics processing unit.

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