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Das Sony Xperia Z3 ist ein Android Smartphone, welches 2014 auf den Markt kam und bekannt ist für seine lange Akkulaufzeit und Haltbarkeit.

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No network service, sim card is recognized


I have got the problem that my SIM-Card slot was broken, but was repaired successfully. At least the SIM-Card is recognized by the phone and I have to enter the pin.

The problem now is that I don't get any service from my carrier. WLAN still works.

Does anyone have an idea which part might be broken?

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Check the antenna cable, they're located on the right side of the phone. If I can remember they are a blue cable which connects the antenna from the bottom to the logic board via that antenna cable. Also check the bottom antenna housing to see if it is aligned properly.

To check this properly, you will need to take out the two gold phillips head screws then push the antenna casing in a direction towards a 45° angle not too hard of course then while doing this, screw the phillips head screws back in. This should make sure that the antenna pins under the housing have full contact with the antenna covers.

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sorry that it took me so long to reply. I tried that, but had no success.

Any further ideas what might be broken? Is it worth a shot to change the antenna cable?


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still no network detected, sim was used in another phone with no issues

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If your SIM card hasnt been used for 1 month, It will have no network connection. Same problem with my O2 SIM for my Nokia 3100 Blue. Tried it with my dads Sony Xperia Z3, works.

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No network service, sim card is recognized

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