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Repair and disassembly guides for garage door openers.

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Jerking upon opening garage initially

Lately, when I go to open my garage door, it jerks and then stops. I have to then close it and start again to open it. What could cause it to do this?

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@mactechplus thought you might have some advice on this one.


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The rollers on the side are binding in the tracks. Track bent? Roller bent?

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Thanks, will have to check if they are bent.


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Check the rollers on each side, make sure the are not crooked, binding, or other wise. Often the tracks that they run in can get a little tweeted, and this can cause issues, especially where the two pieces meet. Could be binding there.

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If your door still has a manual lock on it, sometimes the bar can catch on the track as it passes through the curve.

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