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Der Nintendo Game Boy Advance kam 2001 auf den Markt. Für Reparaturen braucht man keine besonderen Werkzeuge und keine Wärme.

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Gameboy Advance Sound Issues

Does anyone have any suggestions for fixing sound issues with the original GBA? The sound through the speaker and headphones is crackly at best and cuts out or is very very faint most of the time. I thought it was just the speaker at fault and switched that out but it's still the same.

Thanks in advance!

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I've watched a youtube video by RetroGameTech that went through the process of restoring a destroyed Japanese Sega master drive. He found that some of the board controllers (caps/resistors/etc) were causing sound issues. Another video of a Neo Geo board (same guy) had a bad card slot with damaged pins that was distorting the sound. You'll want to locate those parts/pins and start there to see what the issue may be since replacing the speaker didn't help (that was my first idea).


I'll have to find that one with the Sega on Martin's channel, I thought I'd watched all his repair videos! I also had someone else suggest bad caps or a bad headphone jack. I'll try cleaning everything up and inspecting the solder joints and so on first. Didn't think of the card slot pins though, I'll check that out too. Thanks.


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In the end, it was just a dirty headphone jack. I cleaned the headphone jack with a cotton bud and some rubbing alcohol and that seemed to do the trick. Thanks to @thisdoesnotcomp on twitter for the suggestion.

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More than likely the issue will be with capacitors. They go bad after time and need to be replaced.

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