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The sound on my TV stopped working.

I have a 42" Vizio TV model SV421XVT. The sound stopped working. It seems as if the TV no longer reads the remote as I have to turn it off manually.

Any ideas as to what this may be?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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Michael Norton you want to make sure that all connectors are properly seated and that you check your audio settings, before any hardware issues are checked.


Audio settings are good and I've tried to change the HDMI port, still nothing.


Same problem, pausing or rewinding tv program and I lose sound from the tv speakers. To get it back I have to disconnect power on the Viso sound bar and reconnect it. TV sound comes back.

Is there someone here with a solution for us all?


I have the same problem, when I change a channel no sound, I have to change to two or three different channels and the sound comes back on. Will do this 5 or 6 times a day,.


My Vizio occasionally has no sound when I turn it on. I unplug and then plug it in again and it's back. As for the remote, it's goes through batteries like crazy. We seem to replace them every other month lately. It didn't used to be that way.


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Michale Norton, first off start with what Vizio suggest on here:

Built-In Speakers

If you cannot hear any sound from the speakers built into your VIZIO TV, check the following:

The volume level is set above zero.

The TV is not muted.

Under Audio or Audio Settings on the on-screen menu, TV Speakers is set to On.

All of the cables physically connected to the TV and the input devices are secure.

Switch to a different input device and verify there is sound from the TV speakers (for example, a DVD player or a gaming console). Turn the other device on and then use the INPUT button on the remote to switch to that device. Then attempt to play a DVD or game to determine if the TV speakers produce sound. If you do not have another device, and your TV is a VIA Smart TV you can test with any video application.

If you have a Cable or Satellite box, confirm that the audio is turned up and not muted within that box.

External Speakers, Sound Bar, Surround Sound System, or Other External Audio System

If you have an external audio system connected to your VIZIO TV and you do not hear any sound, check the following:

The volume control of the external audio system is set above zero.

The external audio system is not muted.

All of the cables physically connected to the TV and the audio device are secure.

Switch to a different input device and see if there is sound (for example, a DVD player or a gaming console). Turn on the other device and then use the INPUT button on the remote to change to that device. (Cable, Cable Box, DVD player, etc). Then attempt to play a DVD or game to determine if the speakers produce sound. If you do not have another device, and your TV is a VIA Smart TV you can test with any video application.

Disconnect the external audio device from TV and listen for audio from the TV’s built-in speakers. Under Audio or Audio Settings on the on-screen menu, set TV Speakers to On.

Update (05/10/2016)

Since that does not change anything, follow that attached flow sheet. I've found that the audio IC in most TV is of inferior quality and has a tendency to fail.

Block Image

It is possible that due to a failed IR board your Television just does not receive signal for the volume up.

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Thanks for the quick response. After working through the suggestions, I still have a clear picture with no sound. My remote does not 'speak' to the TV either. Curious if the two problems are connected.


I have exactly the same issue, requires shutting off the power surge protector and then it seems to work, a few times just changing input worked but not usually. Really annoying considering the price of these things. Also had issues with the casting, gave me an error that said sorry we lost our focus. WTF. So bought a roku and hdmi plugged it and that stopped but now we have the sound issue. hmmmmmm


I just walked through these steps and still nothing. My remote works but no sound. The TV is only 2.5 years old


Leanne Evans what make and model is your TV and what are the issues with it?


I just purchased a Vizio 60 inch TV and had the sound issues straight out of the box.I have to turn it on then turn it off to get sound and about every 4th or 5th time I have to unplug the TV in the back then plug it bck in to get sound,this happens regardless of whether any audio equipment is hooked up or not,i guess im waiting for the day when it won't work at all....pretty irritating and causing me to not recommend this product to anyone.


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I was having the same issue with the sound on my Vizio TV and nothing I tried worked, until I accidentally unplugged my Cable box. When I plugged it back in the sound came back and it has been fine ever since. Still not sure what the issue was but I'm just glad that it is fixed. Hopefully this will work for you!

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I did every thing suggested above and nothing worked. I unplugged my cable box and waa lah! I had my sound back. Thank you Kellly


Thank you so much for the info. I had pic but no sound until I unplugged the cable then reconnected it. Problem solved.


Thank you so much Kelly am glad I tried this before I when out and spent alot of money trying to fix the issue!!


BINGO!! I had the same issue, remote worked but no sound, tested every possible setting then turned the cable box off and finally success! Thanks so much Kelly!


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The sound on my Vizio tv just randomly stopped working one day. I tried all the troubleshooting solutions but they didn't work. I even checked to see if the tv speakers were set to on in the audio menu, and they were, so then I grabbed my speaker bar and hooked it up to the tv and the sound still wasn't coming through on the speaker bar. I then went to the audio settings on the menu of the vizio tv again and it showed that the tv speakers were set to off this time so I turned them back to on and the sound was working on the tv again! Hope this was clear enough and helped some people that have tried everything else..

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I have a Vizio 47" M479NV no sound, i have tried it all unpluging, resetting and changing settings. i think it the main board but how can i fix it and what do i need to look for on the board? Any one know?


We have had this same problem. Off and on for years, mostly when we were gone for a time and came back. Resetting seem to work. Then one day the sound went off in the middle of it working. We were told it was the main board. We found a main board on ebay. Could not find one anywhere else. We replaced the board. Still no tv speaker sound. I told my husband to try to turn the volume up on the tv and not the remote. Guess what? The sound came on, and now the remote works too. Worth a try. We are still expecting to go off again. We shall see. Give it a try. You have nothing to lose.


Try updating that worked on mine @migges46


We had this same problem. It started a week and a half after we bought the tv we troubleshooted and followed a few recommendations of folks in here. I contacted Vizio and they sent a technician out within a week and replaced the main board. That was 4 days ago and we haven’t had any issues. The technician said if it suddenly started up again, to call them back! Great service on Vizio’s part!!


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I had the same issue with a Vizio E Series tv. I tried the advice read here in disconnecting the power supply to the cable box. It didn't work. I then unplugged the TV and the sound returned after plugging it back up. The Vizio app for Android required resetting. Not sure what caused the problem.

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I have a VIZIO 60” my problem is I can hear the Stream channels fine like netflex, amazon, etc. but I can not hear the cable sound. I have at&t u verse


I am having the exact same problem as fcarrera1216@gmail How did you fix your problem???


Mind is doing the same thing. Did either one of you figure out how to fix it. .?


Mine is doing the same thing. Brand new 55” Vizio. It’s connected to cable box and when I hit the menu button on Vizio remote, the sounds goes off. I have to go to Smart TV apps.. then go back out to HDMI input to get the sound back for cable TV... unplugging cable box did not work. Same problem as Kevin, Shanquita and fcarrera.... Can anyone assist?


Just got off the phone with Visio and thought I should share. Was told it is a glitch in the TV software. Unplug the power cord from the TV. On the back of the TV hold the power button for five seconds and release. Plug back in the TV and turn it on and problem should be resolved. Worked great for me!


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We have had this same problem. Off and on for years, mostly when we were gone for a time and came back. Resetting everything (cable box, tv, etc) seem to work. Then one day the sound went off in the middle of it working. resetting did not work. We were told it was most likely the main board. We found a main board on ebay. Could not find one anywhere else. We replaced the board. Still no tv speaker sound. I told my husband to try to turn the volume up on the tv and not the remote, he looked at me like I was nuts! I read this in one of my many searches. Guess what? The sound came on, and now the remote worked too. Then about 10 minutes in, the sound went off again. Vizio obviously has some kind of glitch and they must be aware of it because there are 100’s of people with this problem. and not just with my model. Vizio does not make 3D tv’s anymore and neither does anyone else, we have over 200 3D movies so we were bound and determined to keep this one working. Well now we have an extra main board. We have model M3D650SV purchased in 2012 . When I try to use the app to watch Netflix or Hulu, no sound, so I watch Netflix and Hulu from the DVD player so I get the sound through the Home theater system. We are able to get sound through our home theater system, so we will just use that. We tried to hook up a sound bar to the Video through RCA Video out, that didn’t work either. The Home Theater system is the only way we get sound now. So if that is an option for you, at least you’ll get sound.

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My sound goes out if the tv stays in for an extended time. I don’t have cable or any other boxes hooked up to mine. But I use the remote, turn it off then turn it back on and the sound is back. Has been doing it since about 6 months after I bought it. I think this is a Vizio problem with the tv and we should be able to have it fixed at no expense to us. I know it’s not the highest end tv in the market but I have always bought there product because they were reliable and affordable. But I will reconsider my brand when I replace this piece of junk


My Visio has started intermittant sound loss. I have tried everything I can think of but it seems to defy logic. What is with this sound issue with these TVs?



Have you found a fix for your intermittent sound issues yet? I bought a 75” Vizio back in November of 2019. It was the newest (2020) model and worked fine up until about 6 weeks ago. I noticed that it would just have the sound complete stop for a few seconds and then come back on. If you backed up whatever you were watching and played it back thru the DVR, the sound was fine. We then noticed that it’s also happening thru the PS4 game system. I’ve checked all of my connections and replaced my cable box / DVR and it’s still doing it. I was told that the HDMI cable needs to be a Ultra 4K HD cable so I’ve also done that and no change. I purchased the extended warranty and the original warranty is still in effect so somebody may be gettin this TV back!


I had tried all of the above plus online suggestions. Not the safest thing to do, but I left the tv plugged in and turned on, on hdmi although no volume could be heard and just unplugged the hdmi plug from the back of the tv ... counted to 5, plugged it in and the sound came back. This was the first vizio and will likely be the last. When it no longer works, back to the old try and true manufacturers.


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Sound on vizio TV randomly not working? Go to audio settings and change speakers from “auto" to “on"!! Worked for me (after 2 months of unplugging and plugging back in to remedy the situation)

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Thank you SO much! It WORKED!!!!!


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So, I have a 50” Vizio flat screen with a sound bar. I lost volume about 2 months ago on the TV but not the sound bar. I unplugged my sound bar and started trying different things.

By coincidence my 8 year old said just turn up the volume dad, which he did! My tv never lost volume, you just had to turn it up to 60 before you could hear it. The sound was better after I went into settings and turned on volume leveling, but still requires at least 30 or more on the volume before you can hear it. I would recommend cranking your volume all the way up and trying again. None of this started until Vizio updated my tv.

hope this helps

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I updated the firmware on my vizio and the sound came back


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Reset to factory settings, verify for updates.

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I unplugged my firestick sound came back on


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Disconnect the HDMI cable connected on back of tv. I have 50” VIZIO no sound on tv channels but sound for all apps and my PS4. This worked for me. Good luck! This is not an old tv either.

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Our pandora started acting funny then the sound on our 55 Vizio went out.

Fixed it by unplugged power to my cable box for a minute then plugged it back in it went trough it resite and sound came back on.

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After trying every step set forth in these comments, I finally put put new batteries into the Roku remote controller,

immediately the sound returned to my Vizio TV. Incidentally, still had the ability to change channels and broadcasting streams while the old batteries were in the controller…thus there was no notice the batteries

needed replacement

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I will be trying this for my jvc roku tv, sen708...though, I WAS able to get sound by hitting the option button on my roku remote...scrolled down to audio...& there are 3 options:

Off. Leveling. Nite

If I go to off & back to leveling the sound comes on (tho, I CAN'T listen on my ear buds thru the roku app)& if a new episode starts or I pause or rewind I have to hit the option button & repeat it all! Very frustrating! Should have gone with the Samsung Smart TV


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Settings then reset & admin then soft reset

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Help? My audio on my vizio tv suddenly stopped working. I dont have external sound bar. I checked the connections on the cable and fire stick. Checked for sound w/ and w/o firestick, on cable and analogue/ digital tv. Checked the tv settings... and nothing.


Someone here indicated they spoke with Vizio and was told it is a glitch in the TV software. Unplug the power cord from the TV. On the back of the TV hold the power button for five seconds and release. Plug back in the TV and turn it on and problem should be resolved!!


Omg I just tried this, unplugged the power cord from back of tv and plugged it back in and it has sound again!!! Thank youuuu!


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UPDATED: SO, my post previously was Oct 3rd, and just yesterday it repeated the issue so unplugging the tv fixed the tv again but has proven to be a temp fix. Because a little over a week past and it did it again.

so now I’m contacting Vizio.

>>>>>old post below of what I tried <<<<<<<

Same exact problem! Since I bought the TV like 2wks ago. Intermittent sound from TVspkrs for hdmi connected devices.

-not on mute, settings for TV & PS4 & AppeTV correct for audio

-external sound works, remote works, video works

-changing input sometime worked

Issue persisted with the above mentioned

I’ve now just tried the unplug and pressing power for 5seconds

Tv is now doing audio output on all connected devices

Will check back to update as this issue previously would happen everyday

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My TV just started acting up I've tried everything suggested and nothing worked anymore comments or suggestions no sound but picture


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I did ALL, including resetting my remote. I had no luck. I FINALLY unplugged my Dish receiver AND DVD player. I, also, unplugged my TV from the surge protector.


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I as well had to unplug my satellite box and after did that my sound was back thanks for the tip, was becoming frustrated trying to figure out the issue!


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