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Herausgegeben am 25. September 2015. Model A1687/A1634. Die Reparatur des 6s gestaltet sich ähnlich zu denen früherer Generationen; benötigt werden Schraubenzieher und Hebelwerkzeuge. Verfügbar mit GSM oder CDMA / 16, 64 oder 128 GB / Silber, Gold, Space Grau oder Roségold.

62 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Coaxial port damaged affected anything?

Hi all,

I was changing the LCD on my 6s when I noticed I have knocked off the silver metal part which holds the Coaxial cable in place for this upper port below...

The actual black/copper socket is still connected to the board though, I have used a little glue to hold it in place...Can someone please tell me what this port actually does? The phone is operating as normal, I cannot see any traces connected to it either.....

I am not convinced this is an antenna port. Please click the link to see picture.


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Yeah I mean all works fine so..Just trying to figure out exactly what it does.


Yeah I am just trying to figure out exactly what it does as I have checked for traces on the board and there are none.


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Depending on whether the phone is GSM or CDMA (AT&T/ T-Mobile or Verizon/Sprint, respectively), that is an antenna port. I know that the GS4 CDMA and GSM phones are different in the same way.

I would suspect that to be either Wi-Fi or GPS/alternate cellular. Test it out...

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That is the wifi diversity antenna connector. The phone will lose some wifi reception and the link speed can drop 50% in some cases.

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Okay thanks for that are you 100% sure? My wifi still works fine but maybe I repaired the connection very well? Wifi signal also good. Mainly full


That is the "diversity" antenna, the performance loss is not obvious unless your broadband gives you extremely fast download.


Ok, where is the primary and secondary cellular antenna located? Could you please provide some links to pictures?



Primary cell antenna is the lower connector flex and lower bezel, diversity LB and MB antenna is the top bezel, HB is the antenna module on the top left.


Thanks for your quick replies I am online now so good to see this news. Can you please explain what LB/MB/HB is?


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