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Das Sony Xperia Z5 ist ausgestattet mit einem 5,2 Zoll 1080 x 1920 Pixels Display, hat einen Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 Prozessor, dazu eine 3GB RAM sowie eine 23 MP Rückkamera.

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z5 Screen stays blank

The led notification light is red, blinks 3 times and then repeats, ONLY when the charging cable is in!

Anyone know how to help? Z5 dual

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Hold the power and volume down button for 15 seconds and see if that helps. That forces a hard shutdown / reset of the device.


doing the above just resets the LED notification light to the beginning of it's pattern


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guys my z5 had display but no backlight, I have bypassed the "V" and "A" both fuses still theres no backlight can anyone help?

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I could sell you a screen, cheap lol.


jbrown05666, I've just bought a brand new screen and its still the same the problem is the motherboard not the screen


My Z5 brightness works only 1/3 at beginning of slider and after that does not go any brighter, testet with 3 different lcd's =(


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In my case, before it start to happens, the colume buttons seems not working very well. Then it worsen where I cant turn off my screen when pressing the power button, but it still detects the fingerprint. Then I press the power button withvintentention to restart but it straight away goes soft reset as if I'm pressing power + vol button. I cant turn onthe phone anymore. The screen will turn on when I plug itbto charger,and it will display battery charging icon. But if I try to turn it on it will vibrate 3 times and it will strqight away turn-off just like soft reset.

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But sooner I find a way to turn it on but only in the safe mode..where the apps acess is limited. Connect your phone to pc. The screen will not turn on bit the notification led will lights up in this manner, red>green>off>red > continuous green. If it happens like that, take it off, plug again. Bit this rime, as soon as the first green lights up,, take out the usb immadiately. Your phone will boot up.


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we found a solution to this! check both the "v" fuse and "l" fuse. if you have picture but no backlight than you have blown the "v" fuse, if you have no picture but have a backlight check the "l" fuse for continuity as you may have blown that fuse

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where they are?


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