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Die fünfte, auf Android basierende Generation der Galaxy Smartphones von Samsung ist seit dem 11. April 2014 auf dem Markt. Zu den Verbesserungen gehören der Fingerabdruckscanner, eine erneuerte Kamera, ein größeres Display und Wasserresistenz. Es ist in vier verschiedenen Farben verfügbar: Schwarz, blau, weiß und kupfer.

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Can I fix a popping out screen with superglue

I recently got the screen on my phone fixed but now one of the corners is popping out.

I dont really wanne go all the way to the store so i am wondering if i can glue it to the sides with superglue. is this a bad thing to do?

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Speaking from a person who works in a repair shop, you should be holding the shop accountable for the quality of the work.

If that is not an option, you can use super glue, but it's something that should be regarded as a last resort. There is a risk of brushing glue over your camera aperture, part of the LCD or some other part that is exposed just under the glass. On your S5, I'd probably just be worried about the front camera, ear speaker, or maybe the menu flex at the bottom of the device. Look at the teardown guide and see what is near the area you have to glue, and if you go ahead with this, use as little glue as possible.

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Never use superglue on thin glass as it gets hot and the localised expansion can crack the screen. This goes for car windscreens too.


Works in a repair shop and says yes, you can use superglue. 🙈🙈🙈


Super glue would work but don't expect to get the screen out again! 😉


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So speaking from someone who owns a repair shop… no! Super glue is not a good fix. “Why not? It holds and that's what I want my screen to do. Hold". There are a number of problems with using super glue as a remedy. A few are mentioned in the other answer. There is a risk of getting it over other components. “Yeah… but I know how to use super glue without making a mess!” While that may be true, there's another reason for not using super glue. Hardness. While it doesn't seem like much, that thin layer of adhesive that the manufacturers use provides another purpose other than to stick stuff together. Shock absorption. By using adhesive tape it allows for minute movement between the screen and the frame. Super glue on the other hand, dries extremely hard and won't allow for any movement at all. For the price of a tube of super glue, you can get a roll or two of the correct tape and not have to worry about it. While not all phones use adhesive tape, they still allow some movement. iPhones for instance, don't use adhesive tape but the screen is still somewhat floating in place only held in by clips and two screws at the bottom. Snap in screens still have the ability to move within the frame. All of this takes expansion and contraction based on temperature into play also. Super glue defeats this purpose. Hopefully this helps someone.

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Plus super glue is conductive if I remember correctly which is a bad thing.


You probably have an additional problem. Your battery may be starting to swell. Take the phone back and have them look at it. An exploding lithium ion battery can be extremely dangerous.


@lunkintust98458 well said. 👍👍👍👍👍


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I have used superglue on the back of my S7 because I didn’t have a heat gun sitting around and I was pretty lazy.

Turns out that it only held for about a year until the superglue gave and now I have to use it again. The problem is that you have to chip away the old superglue so that you can put more on or use a new adhesive strip, which left inevitable scratches on the back cover. It is only a temporary solution to buying a new heat-activated adhesive strip.

Luckily, the superglue only seems to stick to the cover after hardening so I didn’t have to scratch the phone itself.

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I dropped my Samsung Galaxy A50 yesterday and the Screen popped off. I took a small amount of Crazy Glue and put some on the top left corner and the bottom right corner and it seems to be holding well. Just make sure that you don't put too much glue or put it where it shouldn't go. Ex. Front Camera area. I have never had this happen before. Not sure if the Seller had it happen when they were using this Cellphone as I bought it used. Hopefully it should be fine now. 👍


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I used super glue on my infinix note 5 screen which was popping out and it seems to be holding fine buh there was a bright spot that appeared in that area but no damaga

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