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The following information is intended to help service the Nerf N-Strike Elite Strongarm . The Strongarm was released in 2013 by Hasbro under their Nerf brand.

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Darts not firing at full capacity

I have 2 strongarms. Sometime ago they were dropped down a flight of carpeted steps. Ever since then, they don't fire at full capacity. Out of the six darts, one or two might work as they should. I have dissassembled it, and nothing looks damaged, yet they still don't work right. Why could this be? Is something out of alignment?

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This sounds like an alignment problem. it is more than likely that when dropped the mechanism has shifted and under the pressure of the already tightened screws it has stayed misaligned. i would suggest opening it up carefully following a guide on youtube. just take all the parts out clean them up/check if any are broken or cracked (you may have to use a little bit of thumb pressure to check certain parts for cracks) and if all is good just put it back together again carefully lined up. wd40 is good for cleaning non electric parts due to its water displacement and lubrication qualities.

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Thanks! I will probably just replace them, as NERF guns are not terribly expensive. But, your answer is incredibly helpful and hopefully others may use it to bring new life to their NERF battles. I might try to fix them, but I'm not really that attached to them. Thank you so much! :-)


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I think it might be because of the fall. The spring might be misaligned.

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How would I realign it?


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You might want to look at the air spring...

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