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The third iteration of Lenovo's Yoga line of notebooks, similar in design and hardware to its predecessors. Designated by model number 80HE000DUS.

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Can I change the ssd?

my yoga had a ssd of 512 can I change it for one with 1T?

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can i update with Samsung 970 or 960 Pro 512GB NVMe M.2 ??


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Crucial memory supplier only has the option for 256 or 512 SSD drives. Lenovo only recommends these two sizes.

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Then dont get crucial?

The real question is whether it can be opened or not.

Crucial has 1tb models btw.



Read this article a guy used a Seagate 1 TB


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Yes you can.

Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro SSD Replacement

Samsung 850 EVO 1TB


Crucial MX200 2,5" 1TB

Are good.

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yoga 3 pro doesn’t support nvme m.2 ssd.

it only support sata m.2 ssd.

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