Why my volume not working but works when using a ear piece?

My Iphone 4 has no sound when I play music or video. The volume is not working when I pressed the volume buttons. The speaker sign shows up when volume button is pressed but with volume at zero at all time (speaker sign without the cross i.e. its not muted). But when ear piece is plugged in, the volume works normally.

What is the problem? The volume buttons, the speaker or the phone jack?

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Let's clear things up. Do the up and down volume buttons show a response on the phone and does the vibrate / silent switch show response as well?

Have you tried the suggested solutions from here?

Why aren't my volume buttons or ringer working?


The up and down volume buttons show NO response on the phone (speaker icon does appear but without the volume level) but it works normally when connected to ear piece. When vibrate/silent switch is switched to vibrate, it does vibrate and icon shows silent. When vibrate/silent switch is switched to ringing, the speaker icon appears with volume level but the volume level disappear immediately.


1. When you say earpiece do you mean earphones?

2. when you put earphones in do the volume buttons turn the sound level up and down

3. when you swipe up from the bottom and get that menu where you can turn on the flash light, press the airplay button and make sure iPhone is checked

4. when playing music have you tried the volume slider (either the one in the app you use or the one in the swipe up menu I mentioned earlier

5. does the speaker phone during a phone call work?


6. have you tried multiple apps that play music


Does the iPhone think you have the earphones pluged in even when they are not? If so, use something like a cotton swab (with almost all cotton removed) and push it into the headphones port. Try this a few times (you may or may not feel a click) and see if the problem is resolved.


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