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I can hear just on one ear

i tried it with some headphones all working but i can hear just on the right ear the other side just dont work=how can i fix it?

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replace headphone jack

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on Bose QC25 The right side isn’t working, i did replace the wire, any tip?

Thank you

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EASY !!!!
In most cases, it is the speaker that is the problem !!!

Easy to change:

1. 2 screws inside the earcups and the cloth piece (The earcups are "clips" on plce...use your finger all the way around until you hear click....every 2 cm.....)

2. Use a scalpel to open the cover of the speaker (NB!! warm up a bit first...hair dryer works fine!)

3.Unsolder the speaker and solder a new one !!


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Go to Settings - Accessibility - Audio/Visual and check if Balance is right in the middle - I remember once it got messed up by itself for absolutely no reason, but I fixed it this way in seconds

Block Image

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2 Kommentare:

Why should yoy do this....? when it is no sound in one of the speakers...?

whats the Point...?


Try it - you’ll see ;)


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