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Original Xbox stopped playing games

I have an original black Xbox, been in storage for 3 years. It used to play offline Burnout3 no problem. Have saved game progress on internal hard drive. Now boot up seems ok menu set time/date ok. Attempt to load burnout3 original disc, blinking green load button then solid green but no game on screen? Connections confirmed set time/date ok disc no scratches.

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I am going to disassemble my unit and thoroughly clean the optics and verify that it is tracking and reading the disc.


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Gewählte Lösung

You could potentially try some of the solutions offered here if you're having a similar problem:

Why is my Xbox not reading game disks?

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I have Halo 2 for my Xbox, which I had since I was much younger, a few years after it came out. I tried to play Halo 2 on it. It will do the intro up to the Bungie logo, then it will say that it had trouble reading it because it was dirty or damaged. The problem is, it's not dirty or damaged


I’ve got crash bandicoot twin sanity, I start playing it fine for a couple minutes then it will freez, anything I can do about it? Some times it says it can’t read the disk aswell


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My original Xbox Freeze's when it try's read games any answers !!!!???

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