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Das Sony Xperia Z5 ist ausgestattet mit einem 5,2 Zoll 1080 x 1920 Pixels Display, hat einen Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 Prozessor, dazu eine 3GB RAM sowie eine 23 MP Rückkamera.

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Replacing cracked front glass

Hello guys. Cracked my screen yesterday on my Sony Xperia z5. My LCD is just fine, touch screen is not working properly, proximity sensor also freaks out and of course the glass is cracked. I wonder can I replace only glass and touch panel something like that: https://www.amazon.com/Sony-Xperia-Digit.... Or I need to buy a full LCD replacement? Also I've seen replacement videos on youtube but I don't have a heater gun so can I somehow avoid this tool?

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Alexander Zhurkevich the glass only repair will require you to separate the old glass from the LCD. After that you will also have to have the right adhesive and tools to re-adhere the glass. Unless you have the right tools and lots of practice, the chance to get this done are slim. I suggest that you replace the complete assembly since that is an easier and more successful option. You do need a heat gun to remove all the adhesive. Sometimes a good haird dryer is enough, but you will need something.

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Don't even bother trying.

Just replace the whole display.

If you go down the loca route you're gonna damage the backlight. You can put no OCA between the middle and it will work but it will be a poor repair

It is easier to just get the full LCD

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