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Der eMac war ein alles-in-einem, auf G4 basierender Mac, der für den Bildungsmarkt konzipiert wurde. Es war der letzte Mac, der über ein CRT Display verfügte, und er wurde zu günstigen Preisen an Schulen und andere Einrichtungen verkauft.

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How do You Degauss the CRT

The CRT has green and purple blotches on the left side. I think degaussing will solve the problem but I've forgotten how to do it.

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Are you sure it's been magnetized though? Have you already ruled out other factors via standard troubleshooting steps?


Yes. The standard startup degauss isn't cutting it.


Try a wand then


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Gewählte Lösung

The degaussing wand can be used and can be found here

I just did some research and you should be careful with the wand, since its much more powerful than the built in one and it can wipe hard drives...

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According to this kb article it automatically degausses on startup, though you may want to try with a wand.

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