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My optical drive will not read disks

i just built my computer and when i put the windows installation disk in i noticed the optical drive would not read disks this is the third optical drive i have tried none of them will read disks the first one died on another pc i know because i used it on my new pc build the second one opened closed and the light turned on but would not read disks the same with the third one i hooked the power supply up to them and i connected the sata cable to them and to the sata port on the motherboard and none of the optical drives will read disks and i was in the bios and saw that it detected the optical drives but im still faced with the problem that it will not read disks all of the optical drives i have tried are the same type an lg gh24nsc0b oem so is there anything more i can do?

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Hi, Can you prove that any of the drives will work in another PC? It seems strange that you have at least two drives with a possible 'dirty' lens problem but you never know. Try cleaning the lens in the drive (Google it if unsure on what to do) and see if that is the problem.


will those optical drive laser cleaning disks work without an operating system?


Hi, I'm fairly sure that it wont. Here is a link that shows how to dis-assemble a ODD to clean the lens. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZkCN_yx...

Have you tried one of your drives in another PC to prove it one way or the other?


well i only have one working desktop


and where can i find "spirit" in the video the guy says it is needed to clean the lens


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2 Antworten

Gewählte Lösung

Hi Chris,

Just verifying. Have you connected your ODD to Sata port 5 and selected the BIOS setting for this port to IDE?

Here are two images from the User Manual.

Block Image
Block Image

Update (09/12/2016)

Hi Chris,

An ODD is an Optical Disc Drive.

You need to connect the ODD Sata cable to Sata port No.5 on the motherboard. Here is an image

Block Image

Then you need to go into BIOS and set Sata port 5 to IDE. Leave the HDD set to AHCI. Don't forget to save your changes in BIOS.

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im not sure what an odd is but i did connect the sata cables to the sata port on the motherboard and both the hard drive and optical drive are set to ahci so i should try and set it to ide?


okay i hooked the optical drive up to sata port 5 and set it to ide but it still wont read


yes i set satag6_5 optical drive to ide and left the hard drive satag6_4 to ahci but it still wont read discs


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Can you confirm that windows is registering the drive?

Also make sure that you don't have it assigned to a RAID. A customer brought me a computer he bought from a friend that was having this same issue, and the drive was assigned to RAID 1 rendering the drive inoperable, and in most cases looked like the drive wasn't even there, even though it showed up in BIOS.

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the drive looks visible in the bios so the motherboard seems to be seeing it


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