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Reparaturanleitungen für Android Smartwatches.

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How do I change the time on an Android smartwatch?

My wife's K88H Smartwatch seems to have all its apps working but shows an incorrect time 4hrs + behind current time. I cannot seem o pair it properly with my mobile on Bluetooth. How can I change the time on it?

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z66 smart watch the time of watch not set properly please help me


Hi. My Kingware 88 time reset to London time -2 when disconnected from phone. When connected again time sync to SA time. How can the watch be set to store SA time when not connected to phone. Thanks


Hi can anyone help me change the time on my fb4e ???


How to change ky11 smart watch timing?


I need hlp attached hw12


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Gewählte Lösung


The watch needs to be connected (paired) to a mobile phone so that it can 'sync' the time with the phone.

What type of phone are you trying to pair the watch with?

If it is an Android based phone the OS of the phone needs to be Ver.4.4 or higher. It will not function correctly with Android versions lower than 4.4.

If it is with an iPhone then the OS version of the phone needs to iOS7.0 or higher.

Here is a link to the User Guide which explains how to connect to a mobile phone and how to sync the time.


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Thank you Jayeff. Actually, earlier in the evening one of my phones, that has no SIM card bit that I kept to use as a music and video player and for Wi-Fi use turned out to have the right Android and BT levels to sync perfectly with the two Chinese watches that were giving the wrong time.


z66 smart watch not set the correct time


please help me


I need help with a fb4e watch


I need help changing the time on a microware X2 smartwatch...no instructions in the manual..


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I had buy new watch which is said to be LD5 Smart Watch … And It is replica of apple design and it has option to change time in setting. So all the apple replica watch you can change watch time in setting after changing sysc time from AUTO to MANUAL.

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Yesterday i spent about three hours trying to fix this problem. My watch 7 android is connected and it receives calls but a totally different time and date from my mobile.till i downloaded the app of the watch itself ,made an account , removed the watch from recognition of bluetooth of my phone while phone bluetooth is still on. The phone recognized watch thru QR code and i could control my watch thru phone, i even could download and design my own timefaces :)

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