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Listen to the music you want when you want with feather-light, multifunction Samsung YP-T7 flash memory digital audio player.

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Digital Audio Player yp-t7 is not loading

my system Digital Audio Player yp-t7 is not loading when switched on

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Since this is an older device, it may be that the battery is out of commission.

If you are able to source a battery, it appears that a fellow community member created a battery replacement guide: Samsung TFT Color YP-T7J The Battery Replacement

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Ok the first time I charged it, it lit up saying loading and went back out could it mean that the battery is just dead all the way.

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Appanah wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

Letzte 24 Stunden: 0

Letzte 7 Tage: 1

Letzte 30 Tage: 3

Insgesamt: 295