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Der Kindle Paperwhite 2 wurde Ende 2013 freigegeben. Das Gerät hat ein 6 Zoll Display, 84 Pixel pro Zentimeter, drahtlose Verbindungsmöglichkeit, und eine 28 Stunden Batteriekapazität.

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Why is my screen unresponsive to touch?

My device is frequently not responding to touch, sometimes it works when i press hard on the screen.

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Gewählte Lösung

Screen protector may be inhibiting the screen from responding to the user. Remove the Screen Protector and clean the kindle’s bare screen by using a microfiber cloth. Replace Screen protector. If problem persists, remove Screen Protector altogether.

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my Kindle does not have a protective screen therefore nothing to remove. The screen has been cleaned and the battery fully recharged, still there is no reaction to touch.

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It’s possible that some of the touch sensor was damaged if too much pressure was applied at some point. From experience, by screen became unusable when it had to withstand the pressure of a couple textbooks on top of it.

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mohamed saadi wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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