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The Parrot Hydrofoil Orak, manufactured by Parrot SA, is a dual purpose minidrone that both flies and attaches to a boat chassis for fun in the sky and the sea.

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Why won't my drone fly straight in the air?

I love everything about my Parrot Hydrofoil Orak, except it has one minor flaw. Once in the air, it is unable to fly in a straight line. This is very frustrating, and any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Hey Alex,

If you are experiencing problems with the drone flying straight, try taking a look at the motors and propellers. If a propeller is damaged, it might cause the drone to fly strangely. If the propellers look okay, maybe you have a motor that isn't working properly. The motor will have to be replaced. Check out the troubleshooting page for the drone for some more details about why it isn't flying well.

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